
Stage One 6-8 Months Baby Foods - Food for babies

- June 10, 2017

Stage One Baby Foods – Commonly Offered Stage 1 Baby Foods:

Stage 1 Fruits:

Apples | Avocados Apricots Bananas Mango | Nectarines & Peaches | Papaya | Pears | Plums & Prunes | Pumpkin

Stage 1 Veggies:

Beans (Green) | Carrots | Peas | Sweet Potato Squash

Stage 1 Grains:

Rice | Oatmeal | Barley

What is a “Stage 1” baby food?

 Food for babies

(4) 6-8 Months – Baby Let’s Begin to Eat

“Baby” cereal and soft cooked thinly pureed fruits and veggies should be baby’s first solid food experiences.  Single ingredients only and at a space of 4 days apart with introducing each new food.  You may skip the cereal and begin with a fruit like avocado or begin with a veggie like butternut squash or sweet potato.
Stage 1 Baby Food is a term that applies to baby foods that are highly pureed and strained. These foods are appropriate for babies who are just being introduced to solid foods. The foods in this range are targeted to babies who are between the ages of (4) 6 to 8 months old.
Stage 1 baby foods are thin and runny and are foods that are the lowest on the allergy scale. Stage 1 baby foods are typically those foods that are also more easily digested by a tiny tummy. Some of these foods include, sweet potatoes, butternut or winter squash and carrots. The term “Stage 1” was introduced by the Beechnut Baby Food Company to let parents know that these foods are appropriate for their infants who are just being introduced to solid foods.
There is a growing trend of parents skipping “stage 1” foods that are thin and runny purees. Many parents are turning to a more baby-led weaning approach and are offering soft cooked small bits of age-appropriate foods as they begin to introduce solid foods. Your baby might just be interested in this feeding approach!

Stage 1 Homemade Baby Food Recipes – Cereal, Fruits & Veggies

Rice Cereal For babies

  • 1/4 c. rice powder (brown rice ground in blender or food processor)
  • 1 cup water
Step 1: Bring liquid to boil in saucepan. Add the rice powder while stirring constantly.
Step 2: Simmer for 10 minutes, whisking constantly, mix in formula or breast milk and fruits if desired
Step 3: Serve warm.

Oatmeal Cereal For babies

  • 1/4 c. of ground oats (do NOT use instant or Quick Cook), ground in blender or food processor
  • 3/4 c. water
Step 1: Bring liquid to boil in saucepan. Add the rice powder while stirring constantly.
Step 2: Simmer for 10 minutes, whisking constantly, mix in formula or breast milk and fruits if desired
Step 3: Serve warm.

6 month baby weight



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